Marriage Advice from 1973

Marriage Advice

Marriage Advice from 1973

Marriage advice from love birds that have been married for 50 years. 

Greetings Family and Friends; it is written that we learn by our mistakes as we walk through the hourglass of time, but there is a better way to learn - by what someone else has done or accomplished in their lives. My bride of my youth and I live a wonderful life for that is what we have chosen. My bride and I have accumulated much wisdom as we come to our 50th anniversary in just a few months. Our love today is as strong if not stronger than the day we fell in love. Here are just a few tips for enjoying life along the way.

#1 Never stop dating. Go out and explore your city together, go on adventures. Never stop making your partner feel special, remember to take each other on dates, and compliment each other. Make sure you continue to  appreciate what your partner contributes to your relationship and how you grow together.

 #2 Respect each other and always have open communication, your partner is your safe space, the person you trust most. Never let there be a fork in the road where you decide to go in separate directions, instead turn the fork upside down where two hearts and two minds come together as one to make your dreams come true.

#3 Listen to each other, put down your phone, turn off your tv and close your laptop and take some time out of your day to continue to build your bond and get to know each other. A fun way to spend time together without technology can be playing games together like lets get deep and couple reconnect or even the classics like monopoly and game of life.  

#4 Understand that you might not always agree and to develop a mindset of being able to disagree without being disagreeable with one another. remember  to be mature and civil in your conversations and respect each other's thoughts and opinions as individuals.  It is important to remember that it's you as partners vs the problem not each other, and to not let minor conflict come between you.

#5 Encourage each other's hopes and dreams and to always support one another in all aspects of life spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, and socially Ecclesiastes 4:9. Two are better than one and you are each other's strengths, when one falls the other will pick you up.

#6 Be honest and open with one another. By having open and honest communication with your partner it brings a higher level of intimacy, trust and faith between you, which will help your relationship in the long run and help you achieve your shared goals.

#7 Remember that you're a team now and you have a partner for a reason, to support each. A good way to help support each other in your marriage is to start a savings account for your family. Make sure that no matter what happens your family is taken care of, and if you have can try to give back to your community whether that's by donating your time or money. 

#8 Don't forget to make each other laugh because laughter truly is the best medicine for your woes. A joyful marriage is a successful marriage, which only complete with perfect wedding planner service you should be happy with the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with,

Blessings, upon all who read and accept these tokens of wisdom, in return attract like a magnet your wonderful life. In the name of Jesus Christ, who came to bring us life, not only life but abundant life, even to it overflows, blessings.


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